Annual Membership Levels and Benefits
Individual ($30) Family ($60)
Senior ($25) Senior Couple ($35)
*Family memberships include up to 6 people.
Business ($750)
Thank you for your member application!
Membership dues may be paid via credit card, check or cash using the following means:
( 1 ) Online at: ( please type “Membership” in the description field;
( 2 ) Telephone via credit card, at: 302-734-1618 during regular business hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 2:30pm;
( 3 ) Check - please make your check payable to: DAMV and mail it to the Museum at: Delaware Ag Museum, 866 North DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901. Please write “membership” in the memo field;
( 4 ) In person - payments are welcome during regular business hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 10:00am - 2:30pm.
Questions? Please call the Museum at 302-734-1618 or email us at:
Thank you!