Look at some images of copybooks
and create your own.
Materials: Paper for copybook cover (Brown paper bag or mail scrap paper), yarn (12”-18” long) or string and scissors or paper cutter.
Cut two pieces of light brown paper 6” x 9”. These will be used for the front and back copybook covers. **(Leave the front and back covers blank.)
● Make a copy of each copybook page from the Appendix; then cut each page along the dotted line and place in order. (This will make six copybook pages.)
● Line up the short edges of all the copybook pages with the short edges of the front and back covers, placing copybook pages between the cover sheets.
● Make sure that page one of the copybook is the first page facing up just inside the front cover. Align the front cover over the first page and the rest of the copybook.
● Punch two holes approximately two inches apart on the left side of the front cover, passing through the covers and all the pages.
● Turn the copybook over, keeping the pages and covers aligned.
● Secure all the pages together by inserting the ends of the yarn through the holes on the back cover of the copybook.
● Turn the copybook right side up, pull the yarn/string through and tie a loose bow on the top cover.
● Write their first and last name on the back cover. Decorate the front and back covers will be decorated as part of a drawing Mill Lane school day.